Club Membership

We believe the Waikato Tramping Club is the best, that's why we've got over 240 current members, and we have so much fun.  To join the club, please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or phone her on 027 2881148. 

Anyone wishing to join Waikato Tramping Club has a choice of two sections – tramping or skiing.  Depending on your interests, how frequently you plan on using the Lodge at Whakapapa you can choose either section or join both.

Tramping section members may attend any of the organised tramping trips to the mountain during the ski season at ski members rates (usually 3 trips) and they may use the Lodge during the summer season at ski members rates.  In peak season, non members rates apply.

Ski section members may attend 3 organised tramping trips per year at members rates.

If you join one section but would like to support the other, then you should look at joining both sections.

To become a Tramping member, complete the membership form and email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..  To become a Ski member please visit 


Subscription Rates

Senior Tramping: $50 Senior Ski: $115
Junior (14-17 years) Tramping: $25 Junior (14-17 years) Ski: $55
Couple Tramping: $80    


A once only joining fee of $10.00 is additional to new subscriptions. The joining fee is not applicable if rejoining the club.

A 20% discount is offered if you join both tramping and ski sections, e.g. Senior in both sections is $132.50, Joining fee $50.00.

All rates include GST.

Senior members still at secondary school are eligible to pay Junior trip and Waikato Mountain Lodge fees. Make this fact known to the trip leader when you book on a trip.

Children under 14 Years of Age: Cannot join as members and are charged Junior member rates for club trips, accommodation at Waikato Mountain Lodge, etc. if parents or guardians are club members. Junior non member rates will apply if parents or guardians are not club members.


Information For Prospective Members

Starting tramping can be a little daunting, so we recommend that you join us two or three trips as a visitor to get comfortable about tramping and our club. It is better to start off with easy day trips and as your confidence increases, work up to weekend trips. Come along to our club nights to find out about forthcoming trips and chat to the trip leader to gain further information.

To find out more about us, you can request a copy of our monthly bulletin and club information or collect at club night. When you are ready to join, fill in an application form and send it to the secretary with your subscription and joining fee.

Membership application forms are available at club nights or from the membership officer. New membership becomes official from the following committee meeting, which is held on the second Tuesday of each month except January.


 Information For Current Members

Contact the Membership Officer for:

  • Copies of the club constitution. No charge.

  • Copies of 'Safety in the Mountains' A field guide for visitors to the bush and the mountains, published by The Federated Mountain Clubs of New Zealand. $6.50 incl. GST. Issued free to new members on joining.

  • Membership application forms. Available at club nights or mailed out on request. A phone call will have one in the mail next day.

  • Changes to your address or phone number. Very important, keeps your bulletin going to your correct address.

  • Information and/or any queries about the Federated Mountain Clubs membership and discount card.

  • Addresses and phone numbers of club members if you need to urgently contact someone about a club matter.


Associate Membership

Associate membership is for members who leave the Waikato area, are no longer able to participate in club activities, but would like to keep in touch. Associate members are not eligible for the FMC membership discount card or FMC bulletin. Non member rates have to be paid for use of Waikato Hut and there are no voting rights at the Annual General Meeting. The subscription is $25.00 per year.


FMC Membership and Discount Card

The Federated Mountain Club membership and discount card can only be issued to financial members. The card will be included with your next bulletin on receipt of your subscription payment. Sorry, the card is not available for associate members.

Please contact the membership officer if you have any queries.


Club Rules

Members participate on club trips on the understanding that they are subject to the direction of the trip leader. The trip leader has the ultimate prerogative of accepting participants on their trip.

Firearms and dogs are not allowed on club trips.

Persons under the age of 14 years can only participate on club trips with approval of the trip leader and must be accompanied by a parent or guardian.

Except for official club trips, all members wishing to stay at Waikato Mountain Lodge at Whakapapa, Mount Ruapehu, must book by mail or fax with the hut booking officer, on the hut booking form, prior to the trip.