3134 Snowcraft 1 (Full)

3134 Snowcraft 1 (Full)

Weekend 27th - 28th July 2024

This is one of the most popular trips we run each year and for good reason. The Basic Snowcraft course is aimed at introducing you to the alpine environment in which you will learn valuable skills to safely enjoy it. You must attend a gear assessment evening prior to the weekend. This will be on Wednesday 24 July between 5.30-7.00 pm at Bivouac. The basics of snowcraft will be taught on Saturday, including how to use crampons and ice axes, how to walk on icy slopes, navigation tips, basic avalanche awareness plus what to wear etc. The instruction will be done in areas close to the WTC Club hut, but we will spend most of the day out, weather permitting. A full assessment will be done by the instructors of those learning the skills taught. If anyone is having difficulty, extra training will be given the next day if necessary. If the weather is too bad on Saturday we will do instruction in our cozy lounge, as far as is practicable.

On Saturday evening, there will be a sumptuous meal in our large dining area. Sunday's instruction depends on how much we managed to cover on Saturday. If all went well, then we have the chance to try out our new-found skills by walking up as far as the NZ Alpine Club hut, the highest inhabited building on the mountain. We plan on being out most of the day, returning to the Club hut by about 2.00 pm at the latest to clean up and get you back to Hamilton at a reasonable time. Given good weather, by the end of the weekend you will understand the principles behind the rather complex concept of "snowcraft". It takes a lot of practice and a genuine understanding of what is real and perceived danger, when entering the snow and ice heights of Ruapehu. On satisfying our instructors that you have completed this course with competence, you may attend our follow-up Snowcraft 2, which will be held over the weekend of 7-8 September.

The departure time will be early evening on Friday 26 July. Most will go in the vans from London Street, or another designated departure point, but we can pick up others EnRoute will be based in our large and comfortable hut Friday-Saturday nights. All meals will be provided. A full list of gear will be provided upon registration (get in early as you may miss out). Crampons and ice axes can be hired from the Club or Bivouac. Mike, who is manager of Bivouac in Hamilton, is the principal instructor and he can answer any queries you may have pre-course. Please note: To participate in the Course, you must be a member of the Waikato Tra mping Club. Application details are on our Club website. Spaces for this course are limited and a deposit will be required to confirm your registration.

Cost: Approximately $200 — includes transport, food, and hut fees (gear hire extra)

Course Coordinator
Principal Instructor
Allan Wickens
Mike Peck
Phone: 027 950 9546
021 369 256
Grade: Medium Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  
Transport: Senior member as above Senior non-member  
Accommodation: as above




Click here for online map

Event Information

Event Date Sat 27th Jul 2024
Event End Date Mon 29th Jul 2024
Cut Off Date Tue 23rd Jul 2024
Capacity Unlimited