3129 Waitakere One

3129 Waitakere One

Weekend 21st - 23rd June 2024

This weekend trip is the first of two planned where we will explore as many of the tracks as possible, within the Waitakere Ranges Regional Park. Although several tracks have been closed (some indefinitely) due to kauri dieback, there are still many possibilities for walks that range from easy to medium level. For each weekend, we will be based at the Auckland Tramping Club backcountry hut. This hut sleeps 21 people and we have booked the whole hut. There is a 5-minute walk from the carpark to the hut. Amenities at the hut include platform bunks with mattresses (byo sleeping bag), gas hobs, cooking pots, a wood burning stove and sun-drenched deck. The cost to stay at the hut depends on the numbers in our group but as the whole hut costs $180 per night it means it will be an inexpensive weekend’s accommodation.

We have booked the hut for Friday and Saturday nights. This will enable an early start doing walks on Saturday morning. It is anticipated that we will have at least one van going Friday night and possibly two. As we will need to drop off and pick up walkers from various parts of the park, we would prefer to use vans rather than private vehicles in order to maximise vehicle loadings.

As WTC has not run such an event for a number of years, interest in going on both weekends is bound to be quite high so register early please.

NOTE: Waitakeres Two is being held over the weekend of 21-22 September, again with Friday and Saturday night stays at the ATC hut. We do not have a trip number yet so if you want to go on both trips (as a “combo”) please indicate this to the leader when you register for Waitakeres One.

Note: the walks will vary in length from quite short and easy to several hours and E/M

Transport: (leaves HN between 4.30 – 5.30 pm Friday night). There will not be an earlier van as this would mean incurring a 3-day van hire.

Leader: Allan Wickens Phone: 027 9509546  
Grade: Easy to Medium Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  
Transport: Senior member $50 - 60 Senior non-member add $10

approx $30 - 40




Click here for online map

Event Information

Event Date Fri 21st Jun 2024
Event End Date Mon 24th Jun 2024
Cut Off Date Tue 18th Jun 2024
Capacity Unlimited
Registered 9

We are no longer accepting registration for this event